Please note that all recipes may contain eggs and/or cheese, as I am a lacto/ovo-vegetarian. Thanks!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Theoretical Cake

Not because it doesn't actually exist, but because the theme is philosophy. Marx philosophy that is....

Our friend David is moving to Tennessee to earn his PhD. David has long been a Tate Street staple and will be missed by many. To commemerate the manboy who has served as a fixture to the school's official coffee spot for nearly 8 years, we are throwing a bash at none other than Coffeeology, his favorite coffee shop.

I was commissioned to make a cake that encaptures all things David. When I think of David, I think of Karl Marx and vice versa. This is not because David looks anything like Marx, but because he is a profound student of Marx's philosophy and personal life, including the boils - just ask David. So, what better cake to create than a Marx cake with a favorite quote of mine auf Deutsch.

The cake is two layers of dark chocolate, separated by cream cheese icing and crushed pecans, covered in cream cheese icing, red fondant and hand-painted white fondant cutouts.

1 comment:

  1. I could not be more proud. I think. Aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ;)
